Irish man and Stewhouse owner Alan Fisher on BS TV Tokyo "The Reason I live in Japan"

アラン フィッシャー、オーナーの紹介

Taste Tokyo series by THYNK

Music by TANPOPO & Hakama:
Harp - Keiko Sakuma
Fiddle - Aya Yabuki
Flute - Kazu Hakama





少年時代の記憶にとても思い出深いことがあります。それはある日学校から帰宅したら、母がキッチンでラムシチューを作っていた時のことです。玄関のドアを開けた瞬間煮込み中のお肉や野菜、ハーブの食欲を誘う香りがし、お腹が減りすぎた私は我慢できず、まだオーブンの中にあるシチューにスプーンを入れてつまみ食いし、舌を火傷したことを今でもよく覚えています。 伝統的なラムやビーフとギネスのシチュー、またはシーフードチャウダーなど、アイルランドの人はみんな実家で食べるシチューの思い出があるでしょう。



The mission of ‘Kyojin Stewhouse’ is to introduce and inspire a passion among people here in Japan for Irish Food and Culture, by providing a selection of authentic, traditionally made comfort foods in an environment unique to my experiences of home in Ireland. 
With this in mind, we carefully considered what foods from home I've missed the most during my time in Japan. As I think back to my childhood, one memory stands out more than the rest. That is arriving home from school to a pot of fresh Lamb Stew cooking on the stove. As soon as I opened the door, wonderful smells of meat, vegetables and herbs stewing would give rise to a tremendous hunger.

I think every Irish person will have their own memories of stews from home, be they traditional lamb, beef & guinness, Dublin coddle or seafood chowder.

I hope that by using this ancient method of Celtic cooking as a base we can share a little Irish Culture too.

左:大釜 右:大釜はスピットファイアの上にあり



Stewing is an ancient method of cooking common throughout the world.
However, in 1700 BC the Celts, while copying the Greeks, created bronze cauldrons to hang over an open fire, called a ‘Spit’ to cook.
Around the same time, the Celts came to Ireland moving through Europe and this cauldron would become the dominant cooking tool.
Within the cauldron a variety of meat, vegetables and herbs were stewed slowly for several hours.
For example, The Celts in Ireland viewed sheep as an essential part of survival. It was a source of wool for clothing, milk for drinking & making cheese and eventually food. This meat would be tough so it would be stewed for several hours to perfectly tenderize.

ケルト人 & シチュー



